Every Day is Different

I’ve just completed my first full week of work on the farm.  This is the time of the year when there is a lot of…  hurry up and wait.  As I mentioned before, our pruning is a little behind schedule, but so is spring.  In fact, it was 19 at my house earlier this week.  So we aren’t too stressed about the pruning progress.  It looks like all will be done in time.

As I was out in the field this week catching up on the pruning progress, I noticed something white down at the big pond.  Many of you hunters out there know the sensation…  there is something down there that isn’t always there: it must be an animal.  White at the top, white at the bottom, brown in between and standing at the edge of the pond.  Sure enough it was a big eagle.  I continued on my path which came close to the pond and the eagle rose up into a locust tree as if to show off.  He was immense, and unafraid.  Hopefully he found one of those muskrats that have been digging in the bank. This is exactly the kind of thing you don’t get to see while working in an office.

There are a lot of things I know I’m going to love about this new adventure.  And the best part is that I don’t even know what all those things will be.  Because every day is different.


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