The Shaw Apple..

Avg. Season Start:
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This Season Start:
This Season End:
Aug 4
Nov 25
Jul 3, 2024
Nov 25, 2024
October 24, 2024:  Apple season is at its peak! Over a dozen varieties currently at the market.

At Shaw Orchards, we take apples very seriously. They have been grown here for over 100 years, and though all the original trees are gone, we still pride ourselves in offering the highest quality apples around. Barron and Glenn are members of many apple organizations, including International Dwarf Fruit Tree, the Knouse Growers Cooperative, and State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania (SHAP). We scour all of these sources and more for the best new varieties and growing methods. We know you'll appreciate our attention to detail!

SHAW ORCHARDS offers pick-your-own apples on Saturdays each week from Sept. through about the end of October, as the supply lasts. We will be picking different varieties only as they are in season, so check the RipeLine news to find out which apple will be offered. Gala, and Golden Delicious will start the season, followed by Cameo, Nittany, Pink Lady, Mutsu, and York Imperial. Great picking and a fun wagon trip will combine to make a wonderful memory and an annual family event.

We will continue to carry a full range of fresh apples at the market.

(Last updated: September 15 2022 )
Our Apple Varieties --
  Beginning Suggested Use
Early Gold August Crunchy and Tart Snacking. If you like Granny Smith, you'll like this one too!
Premier Honeycrisp August Sweet and very crispy. The best early apple we have ever had!
Gala Late August - Early Sept One of America's most popular eating apples. Available pyo.
Ruby Mac Early Sept This is a very red McIntosh that ripens several weeks before its parent. Beautiful and great tasting.
HoneyCrisp Early Sept The apple that apple fanatics crave. It has a texture like no other apple.
Golden Supreme Early Sept A golden apple that has more flavor than Golden Delicious
Crimson Crisp Early Sept Barron's favorite: very hard, with HUGE flavor!
Senshu Mid Sept Great snacking apple. This is an early Fuji.
Holiday Mid Sept Snappy All Purpose with lots of flavor -- Glenn's Favorite!
Jonagold Mid-Late Sept An excellent eating apple. Crisp and sweet. Very similar to Honeycrisp.
Golden Delicious Mid Sept Snacks, baking
Red Delicious Late Sept Classic Snacker (and our east coast Reds taste a lot better than the ones from Washington!)
Crispin Late Sept Also called Mutsu, a green apple with a sweet taste
Pink Lady Early October The last apple of the season is dynamite. Sweet, crunchy, and long lasting!
Stayman Early October Great flavor. Good for Everything!
York Imperial Mid October A true heritage apple, discovered in nearby York, PA. THE BEST baking apple.
Rome Beauty Mid October Baking, Sauce. Perhaps our most beautiful apple.
Cameo Mid Oct One of the best new apples on the market!
Nittany Mid October Firm, Sweet, Great Eating! Long Lasting. Related to York.
Fuji Late Oct Excellent eating. Also good for baking
Granny Smith Late Oct Tart Eating, Baking
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If some of these apples are new to you, please ask for a sample!

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